We are a functional platform that lends support to Chilean universities, and assists them in the process of internationalization of their programs.
We connect Chilean and foreign universities, beyond the regular student exchange programs, by organizing business meetings agendas and through the promotion of programs for foreign students in Chile and for Chileans abroad.
We design and carry out special programs for Chileans abroad and for foreign students in Chile, in association with the most adequate academic centers. These programs may be about new ideas that are being discussed internationally, or regarding issues about which there is expertise, perhaps related to matters that are strategic, new trends, or issues of special interest for key actors, and that need deeper analysis.
We assist persons that need information regarding short courses or post graduate programs in Chile and abroad, in the identification of the proper institutions for their interests, and we help them navigate in the application process. We also give them orientation regarding financial aid, language programs, visa requirements, among others.
We identify institutions or companies that will host foreign students that wish to make professional internships in Chile, and we organize their stay. We also work with foreign institutions or companies that are willing to receive Chilean students that want to make professional internships abroad.